An up-to-date commercial EICR is a legal requirement at all commercial properties in Bristol and across the UK. 

EMC Electrical Group, Bristol - Commercial EICR

EMC Electrical Group, Bristol - Commercial EICR

If you need a commercial EICR in Bristol, EMC Electrical Group are the experienced commercial electrician you can rely upon to ensure you meet your legal requirements and trust to keep your commercial property electrically safe.

What is a Commercial EICR?

A commercial EICR – short for Electrical Installation Condition Report, is the inspection of the electrical system at your Bristol premises. During the EICR inspection, the commercial electrician will be visually inspecting your entire electrical installation and carrying out diagnostic testing. They will use the results of these tests to compile the EICR report itself. This will advise you of the condition of your Bristol premises electrical installation and will specify any work that is required to meet regulations and maintain safety. A commercial EICR should be carried out by a qualified, registered electrician at regular intervals, usually every 5 years.

What happens during a Commercial EICR?

During the commercial EICR at your Bristol property, your electrician will be looking at the wiring, switches, sockets, distribution board and all other areas of your fixed electrical installation. They will be checking for signs of wear and tear, any damage, or areas that do not meet current regulations. The EICR inspection will comprise of both a visual inspection and thorough electronic testing. The electrician who carries out tour commercial EICR in Bristol will need access to all of your property during their inspection. After they have completed the EICR inspection, your commercial electrician will provide you with a copy of the EICR report and will explain their findings to you.

What does a Commercial EICR report show?

Your commercial EICR report will contain all the observations your electrician has made about your Bristol premises electrical system. Each observation will be assigned a code which details the severity of the issue found. 

The codes used on a commercial EICR report are:

-    Code 1 (C1): Danger present. A fault graded C1 requires urgent remedial work. 
-    Code 2 (C2): Potentially dangerous. A fault graded C2 requires remedial work as soon as possible. 
-    Code 3 (C3): Improvement recommended. To meet industry standards improvements should be made. 
-    Further Investigation (FI): This means further investigations are needed to properly diagnose the fault.

For most faults, remedial work must be carried out with in 28 days. For code C1 faults, work may need to be carried out sooner. 

Why should I have a Commercial EICR at my Bristol premises?

A commercial EICR is not an optional electrical inspection, it is a legal requirement. As a business owner or landlord of a commercial property in Bristol, you have a legal responsibility to provide an electrically safe environment for your employees, customers, and tenants. Without a valid EICR, you would be liable to prosecution should anyone be injured as a result of a poorly maintained electrical installation. A commercial EICR helps to highlight any potential issues before any dangerous situation can arise and helps to keep everyone safe. Regular inspections will identify potential faults and allow you to effect repairs before any serious damage can occur.  

EMC Electrical Group your local provider of commercial EICRs in Bristol. Our experienced commercial electricians are fully qualified and NICEIC registered. We can assist with all elements of commercial electrical work. If your commercial premises in Bristol are due for an EICR inspection, contact us today.